Breathing deeply increases oxygen absorption which immediately alkalizes your body and inhaling fresh air helps clear your lungs to better detoxify. Increased oxygen in your body translates to greater energy and clarity of mind. Sunshine not only provides vitamin D but communicates hope and happiness to our brain.
#2 Invigorating Exercise and Stretching
Moving, stretching, and exercising every day creates energy flow throughout your body increasing vigor and strength. It is the means which moves lymphatic fluid through your body to detoxify and refresh.
#3 Balanced Organic Diet
Enjoying a colorful plate of organic vegetables, fruits, meat, legumes, and fish assure that you are giving your body ample nutrition. Whole grains and dairy are wonderful sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber and may be considered a condiment.
#4 Peaceful Meditation
Taking time to reflect and be thankful in a peaceful place every day prepares you to handle stress in healthy ways.
#5 Fresh Pure Water
Water is a basic solvent and cleanser inside and out. Drinking half your weight in ounces daily makes sure you stay hydrated enough to keep your kidneys functioning and all of your cells, including brain cells, conducting energy.
#6 Deep Refreshing Sleep and Play time
Please take time to have fun and do something that brings you joy! Happiness comes from a heart of joy, and serotonin levels, the happy hormone, increase when we laugh and enjoy community. Cultivating a healthy sleep habit promotes healing during the night when our bodies detox and prepare for another day. 7 1/2 hours provides 5 cycles and sufficient rest for healthy individual.
#7 Rewarding Work and Service
Blessing others with your time and resources, as well as sharing life with family and friends nourishes the soul with belonging and purpose. As we give and love unconditionally we receive boundless benefits.
Health focused Blog Articles Outlining Recent Studies and Testimonials
If you want to achieve wellness but you're overwhelmed by the information on the web, stay tuned to my blog posts for ideas you can implement today! I will share research covering one of the 7 basics each post.