Our Mission
I want to empower you to take your health to a new level by tapping into your body's resources and resetting old mindsets that are keeping you from reaching your goals. With the help of frequency medicine we can refresh stagnant energy pathways and allow you to take charge of your own health at the core in order to achieve exceptional wellness.
I am passionate about helping you regain any lost health whether manifesting as physical pain, lack of energy, disease, organ dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other conditions.
Ondamed practitioners around the world and I have helped people with:
cardiovascular disease, joint and muscle pain, radioactivity, menopause, stress and inflammation, bone injury, osteoporosis, sports injury, blood pressure, lymes disease, headaches, auto immune disorders, cancer, recovery after cancer treatment,
Nutrition: Food for Thought
Cindy believes we allow others to define our wellness if we do not make healthy choices at the grocery store. You are being branded with various illnesses by corporations that are marketing chemicals that make you sick and keep you there. She will help you re-establish control over your own wellness giving you tools and information at every visit. Real Food equals Real Health!
Inner Healing
We offer faith-based transformation sessions to help you achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual health by strengthening your connection with God. Our team will take you through a guided 1 1/2 hour session at your request.